

Protecting your personal data during its collection, processing, and use while you visit our website is an important matter to us. We handle your personal data confidentially and according to the legal data protection regulations as well as according to this data privacy statement.

Visiting the Homepage

You can visit our homepage without registering yourself or providing personal details.

Log Files

With every access of a user on our website and with each access of a file, data concerning these events are automatically collected and stored in a log file. In detail, the following data are stored about each access:

  • Name of the accessed file.

  • Date and time of the access. 

  • Amount of data transferred. 

  • Notification of whether the access was successful. 

  • Description of the type of web browser used.

  • Requested domain.

The recorded data will not be pooled together with other data sources, in particular data which permits an association with a particular person.

The data is evaluated for statistical purposes in order to optimize our internet presence and our offers. The legal basis for the temporary storage of data and “server log files” is Article 6 Section 1 Letter f of the General Data Protection Regulation. The storage in log files takes place in order to ensure the functionality of the website. The data are deleted as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose of their collection. In the case of the collection of data for the provision of the website, this is the case when the respective session has ended.


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that make it possible to save specific information related to the user on the terminal device of the user while the user uses the website. Cookies enable us to determine, in particular, the frequency of use and the number of users of web pages, to analyze website activity behaviours, and to design our offering in a more customer-friendly manner. The basis of law for this is Article 6 Section 1 Letter f of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Most of the cookies we use are so-called “session cookies.” These cookies are automatically deleted at the end of your visit. Other cookies remain saved on your terminal device until you delete them. These cookies enable us to recognize your browser the next time you visit our website.

If you do not wish that we recognize information about your computer, please configure your browser so that it deletes cookies from your computer’s hard drive, blocks all cookies, or warns you before a cookie is saved. However, in those cases, not all functions of this website may be available to you.

If you leave our website through a link or through clicking possible banner advertising, and reach the site of a third party, it can happen that the addressee of the clicked-on target site sets cookies. We are not legally responsible for these cookies. Please refer to the data privacy policies of those third parties concerning the use of such cookies and the information recorded in them through our advertising partners.

Google Analytics (Coming Soon)

Section 3 Sentence 1 of the GDPR. Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address that is anonymized) will be, as a rule, transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States of America. Please be advised that on this website, Google Analytics has been extended by the code “gat._anonymizeIp();” to ensure anonymized collecting of IP addresses (so-called IP masking). Through the anonymization, Google shortens IP addresses within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, which is why no conclusions about your identity are possible. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address transmitted to a Google server in the United States of America and shortened there. Google complies with the data protection policies of the “EU-US Privacy Shield” framework and is certified accordingly, so that an appropriate level of data protection is guaranteed. Google processes the collected information to analyze the use of our website, create reports for us on website activities and use, and to provide us with further services regarding website use. The IP address transmitted by your browser in the context of Google Analytics will not be combined with other data from Google.

You may refuse the installation of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser; however, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

If you do not consent with the processing of data about you by using this website, then you can download a browser add-on from this link: (German language) or (English language) that gives you the chance to configure Google Analytics such that no more information about the website visit will be sent to Google Analytics.

More information on Google data protection may be found at

Google Maps (Coming Soon)

I consent to my personal data being processed by Unisun for the purposes of displaying map tiles, geocoding addresses and calculating and displaying directions.

I consent to my personal data provided via map API calls being processed by the API provider for the purposes of geocoding (converting addresses to coordinates), reverse geocoding, and generating directions.

Some WP Google Maps visual components use third-party libraries that are loaded over the network. Currently, these include Google Maps, Open Street Map, jQuery DataTables, and FontAwesome. When resources are loaded over a network, the third-party server receives your IP address and user agent string, among other information. Please read the privacy policies of the respective libraries to learn how this data is used and how you can exercise your rights under GDPR regulations.

WP Google Maps uses jQuery DataTables to display sortable and searchable tables, such as in the expanded marker list and on the map edit page. jQuery DataTables uses a cookie in certain circumstances to store and later retrieve the “state” of a particular table – i.e., the search term, sort column and order, and current page. This data is stored locally and remains until it is manually deleted. The libraries used by WP Google Maps do not transmit this information.

Google’s terms and conditions can be found here and here. Please also read Google’s Privacy Policy. We do not transmit any personal data or information that could uniquely identify your device to the API provider.

When this notice is displayed instead of a map, if you agree to this notice, a cookie is stored that records your agreement so that you will not be prompted again.


Your data of an application for employment will be electronically collected and processed by us for the purpose of carrying out the application procedure. If your application is followed by the conclusion of an employment agreement, your transmitted data may be stored by us in your personnel file or for the purpose of the usual organisational and administrative process in compliance with the relevant legal regulations. The data protection regulation permits, in accordance with Section 26 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 of the new German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG-new) in connection with Article 88 Section 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation, the collection of data which are necessary for the establishment of the employment relationship. If you voluntarily, beyond what is necessary, tell us things about yourself, this is done within the framework of consent in accordance with Article 6 Section 1 Sentence 1 Letter (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Within the framework of processing, your data may be transmitted to persons within our company, and to service providers which are contractually bound and bound to secrecy and which perform partial tasks of data processing.

If your application for employment is rejected, deletion of the data you have submitted to us will automatically be deleted two months after we notify you of the rejection. This does not apply if longer storage is necessary owing to legal requirements (for example, the burden of proof according to the General Equal Treatment Act) or if you have expressly agreed to longer storage in our database of interested parties.

Other Advertising and Customer Relations Management

Without your permission, we use personal data only within the legally permitted scope; that means, for customer relations management and sending advertisements by mail. We do not use your electronic mail address, fax number, or telephone number for advertisements without your express consent. The basis of law for this is Article 6 Section 1 Letter f of the General Data Protection Regulation (protection of legitimate interests).

You can object to the use of your data for the purpose of direct marketing at any time and then will not receive further advertisements from us.

Duration of Storage

We delete your data if they are no longer needed after processing an inquiry or termination of the contract. Excluded from this are data which we are not yet allowed to delete due to legal obligation (e.g., documents which are to be retained according to tax law and commercial law) and data which we need to represent legitimate interests; in particular, for asserting claims or for direct marketing.